Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I told you so.

Today the nagging sixth sense came home to roost.

Today the weird gut feeling took physical manifestation.

Today I found out that my writer's perception had not abandoned me. The ability to observe quietly, judge and generally not be wrong.

Today I was left.

Don't cry for me Argentina.

I can now ignore the voices that call out "its all wrong." I can stop trying to figure out the mystery wrapped in an enigma and satisfy myself with knowing it was the obvious answer all along. The butler did it or in relationship plainspeak there's another guy I really like (inference and I really don't like you). Not much of a mystery there. No deep dark thoughts waiting to reveal a personality that can't or won't show itself in broad daylight for reasons other than shame.

Don't cry for me Argentina.

It was coming, one way or another and if it didn't come from her it would have come from me. Conversation shouldn't be that hard to keep going and I don't worry about long silences when so much doesn't have to be said. I do when there's nothing to say.

Observation one: If you are out at dinner with someone for the first time and you are thinking about someone else and wishing it were her because things were so much easier, you might want to rethink wandering deeper into the waters you have stepped in.

Observation two: If you think powers of perception that have served you ably have suddenly abandoned you, think again. Tigers don't change their stripes. Disinterested kisses are disinterested for a reason. Friends coming for the weekend usually shave.

Don't cry for me Argentina.

The hard cold truth is that there was another one in line ahead of her and if what once was between us could ever be again, I would be gone in a heartbeat. I may like you but, I'm sorry, I love her.

I wouldn't, however, dump it in an email and send it out just before dashing off to a nice safe three hour meeting. Let me clue you in on what adults do. The world is a sufficiently harsh place, be gentle with people. That means sitting down over coffee and having the guts to look someone straight in the eye and saying its over in a clear tone. It will hurt. It will hurt less if you have the decency to do it right.

I know, I just did that to a fifteen year marriage. Your shit is peanuts compared to that.

If you ever grow up, you might learn that skill. Right now, suffice to let me explain that its a skill you're going to need. Someday you might be the fool sitting in front of a computer wondering what the fuck?

So let me leave you with that as you leave me altogether. And, oh, if you have any reservations about your decision, let me finish it for you:

So as you go, so stay the fuck out of my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judge to Diocese: Hands Off
Free headlines to your e-mail inbox or RSS reader. CTDirect Go CTWeekly Go RSS Feed New Today Editorial: God's Plan for Christians in Business Books & Culture Corner: How Wide the Divide? Breakaway California ...
Your own ebook, just use a mike

6:03 PM  
Blogger Magazine Man said...

Sorry man, I just couldn't let the only comments here be spam (and now you'll delete them and to future viewers I'll be the Web equivalent of some crazy old ya-ya gibbering to himself).

Hang in there. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you...riveting as hell to read.

11:32 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

and I can't let Periodical Dude be that crazy old ya-ya

disinterested kisses, unshaved friends and emails, oh my

it gets better, right?

1:30 PM  

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