Thursday, September 15, 2005

Noble Thoughts

I don't often have them but here's one:

Somewhere else I speculated that one use for $100 MM would be to pay someone to go away. Forever. But with a physical reminder that if they ever harmed you again I'd be back in the night for them.

Well I don't have a hundred mil and probably never will. But here's a wish: After all the shit that has been this year and all the pain and frustration, fear and anger, if doing what you are doing now will make you come out happy on December 31, it will have been a good year.

And I will turn into the sunset, alone, and hang on to that thought.


Blogger Kathryn said...

basically, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger? which, by the way, is an expression that fills me with a desire to smack the well-intentioned emitter of said phrase upside the head, but no matter

hey, what's dog-surfing??

11:06 AM  

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