Monday, September 19, 2005

All the People Tell Me So

I'm flipping through a men's magazine this morning, waiting for coffee to brew, wishing I had a cigarette to round out the wake-up call.

Sorry, but there's something dashing about standing around in a t-shirt from a road race you almost won, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, with the slightest of hangovers.

Sure, you have no opportunity to ever think of winning that road race again, but, then again who wants to live forever?

Not me, man.

What sort of man reads Playboy?

Guys that subscribe to the fantasy that nothing can ever go wrong.

Trouble is, it all can. Horribly, and you wind up waiting for coffee to brew (hurry the fuck up) reading Notplayboy but a crap magazine that explains why relationships that begin like ours did usually wind up in the can really fast.

Why? Well, they're based on deception and mistrust, aren't they? I mean, according to this nasty little piece, the only reason people like you do what they do is self image and domination.

You have no respect for me or my life and will toss me aside at the first opportunity.

So why did we see each other last week? Why, when we have absolutely no opportunity for passion, do we continue to meet to pursue other common interests? Why do we talk about other aspects of our lives and give each other advice like we really mean it?

Maybe it's because we do?

Maybe we do care.

Maybe, it's because what happened happened not because somebody needed an ego trip or to show off who was alpha dog but because we both had been kicked around so much it was nice to hold someone who didn't kick for awhile?

And maybe we just hid in each other's company for a few days because it was a sanctuary, albeit temporary?

You are no more a notch in my gun than the reason everything that happened, happened. It was coming anyway. I was the only one who could have stopped it. What you did show me was a way out, a better reason to go on. An inverted view of the universe.

You just proved that things could be different.

So here we are; still friends with a growing sense of respect for each other. Ok, I've fallen in love with you but that's not relevant right now. There are bigger issues and you'll find out eventually. And for all the alleged "wrong" motivations that brought us together, some "right" ones are keeping us close.

What do all the people know?


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