Thursday, September 22, 2005

Flying is Man's Second Greatest Thrill

Landing is the first.

Here's a promise inspired by a post to a friend.

I fly a lot. If I get to the point that I know death is a logical and probable outcome, I'll do the following:

-Raise my tray table and make sure my seat is in the full upright position.

-Call you.

-Tell you that of all the sense memories in my life, the one that flows over me strongest, like intense pleasure followed by haunting pain, is the one of us hand in hand, then arm in arm, then wrapped around each other walking up through that street fair we couldn't quite figure out the point of.

-That and kissing you for the first time. The lipstick, cigarettes and wine.

-Tell you that your eyes are the portals to the most beautiful soul I've ever known.

-Tell you that it will all, eventually, be all right. I will be at your side faithfully always. I have been there up until now and will continue to be. And like before, in life, you will not be aware of my presence.

-Tell you that you are and will continue to be a good person and to never let anyone say otherwise. Or there will be one hell of a good haunting in their future if I don't make it.

-And if I don't, and even if I do, I love you. You ought to know that. It don't come cheap and it don't come easy and I've only said it once before in my life. But I'm old enough and smart enough to know what I'm feeling. And I don't believe in the hereafter and I don't believe in ghosts.

But if it will bring me back to be close to you, I'm willing to try.

So there.

I love you.

Now you can land us in hell for all I care...


Blogger Kathryn said...

first, get rid of these bloody spammers, they annoy the crap out of me and it is all about me, so ...

second, wow

7:17 PM  

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